Welcome to Williams Club
Helping people with sight loss in Farnham
Membership is open to all visually impaired people living in Farnham, and, for as long as the member attends the club, we also welcome their partner as a visitor.
There is no membership fee and no charge for the monthly meetings.
The Club was started in the late 1950s by Mr Ben Williams and his sister Evelyn. They ran the club for 30 years until 1986 when they handed over to a committee.
In recognition of their work, the club has been renamed “The Williams Club – helping Sight Loss in Farnham” Now about 30 people regularly attend our meetings.

Monthly Meetings & Events
We meet once a month on a Wednesday (except August) starting at 2pm and ending at about 4pm
Our new venue is the Baptist Church, Farnham, GU9 7HA
There is always a speaker or other entertainment, followed by a delicious tea! We also arrange a couple of yearly outings, and a pub lunch.
Help with transport can be arranged within the Farnham area.
How you can help
There are a variety of ways which you might be able to help the club:
- We need volunteers to help at our meetings
- Drivers to provide transport for our members
- We are always looking for interesting speakers
- Volunteers to provide music or other entertainment
- Local comunity groups who would provide tea & cakes for a meeting
Meetings are free to our members so we rely on donations to help us to continue. Any offers of help much appreciated.